
New York Residents Warned To Prepare For A Nuclear Attack By Officials

WBLS Staff
07/16/2022 12:00 AM EDT
New York Residents are being warned to prepare for a possible nuclear attack by emergency officials. It was reported that the New York City Emergency Management Department released a public service announcement as a way to better prepare residents. “While the likelihood of a nuclear weapon incident occurring in/near New York City is very low, it is important New Yorkers know the steps to stay safe. The new PSA encourages New Yorkers to take key, simple steps in the event of such an incident,” officials said in a press release. They also shared some tips in the PSA on what to do in the event that the attack does happen including getting and staying inside, moving away from doors and windows, removing your clothing, taking a thorough shower, and paying attention to social media updates, and more. Officials did not go into detail on why they chose to release the nuclear attack tips. However, since 9/11 New York City has always been on high alert.