Fantasia Barrino Blasts Airbnb After Accusing Host Of Racial Profiling

Fantasia Barrino Blasts Airbnb After Accusing Host Of Racial Profiling

WBLS Staff
12/18/2023 11:48 PM EST

Star of the upcoming The Color Purple film, Fantasia Barrino, has recently called out the host of an Airbnb home she rented out for her family. The singer says that the host allegedly asked Barrino and her family to leave at midnight for making too much noise earlier in the day.

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“My stomach is so uneasy this morning as I’m riding back to my home in the cold and rain,” she tweeted to her followers about the incident. “I don’t say much when people do me wrong, but I can’t stay quiet on how my family and I were just treated from a host with @Airbnb @airbnbhelp trying to kick my kids and I out at 12:00 midnight.”

She explained that her son had friends over for a party. The activities for the children were outside and also included a game truck.

“They never said we weren’t allowed to have any company over!! It’s evident from the sayings on the wall, to the outdoor fire pit/jacuzzi and a well equipped game room in the garage/poker table that people Hosts parties and/or gatherings here on the lake often as there were weights with balloon ribbon left in the garage from a previous party at the house.”

“It’s evident to me this was racial profiling and the treatment we received was due to the color of our skin,” Barrino continued. “I wanted my son to enjoy his friends (10-12) year old and make him feel special as I have been traveling for the last 35+ days promoting a movie I starred in. This time, I dare not stay quiet.”

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Additionally, she took to Instagram to defend the children who were under her care at the time.

“Being abruptly asked to vacate a house (which proved to not be a Home) on the first night while a diverse group of technologically & robotically Inclined group of kids (one is a pianist) were winding down to sleep was unthinkable,” Barrino detailed in the caption. “Gaining and understanding wasn’t the desire, while we were being screened on various Ring cameras, the happiness and ‘character’ of the kids present also wasn’t considered. Right after a hot-chocolate Sip & Paint, without warning, we were asked to leave. So, at 6a, in the freezing rain, with sleepy kids, we loaded up 4 vehicles, respectfully cleaned and organized everything back to its original place and we left.”

Airbnb has responded rather generically to her concerns.

“Hi Fantasia, Airbnb does not condone discrimination in any way. You can view our Nondiscrimination Policy here: Please send us a DM with the email address connected to your booking, so our team can follow up. Thank you,” the statement read.